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I believe the world is severely lacking in Good Men. Not to say that they don’t exist, but that most men have forgotten or don’t know who they are at their core.


The Pillars of Manhood

Today’s world often forgets the key masculine ideals that have been the foundation of civilizations: Bravery, Passion, Confidence, Ambition, Wisdom, Tenacity, & Creativity. These are not just attributes; they are the pillars that have upheld societies. Rooted in these is a deeper, singular goal – the ‘Super Ideal’ – dedicated to the service and betterment of others, embodying the true essence of manhood.






At Mad Arab I promise to provide all Good Men with

Quality, all natural, New Zealand made beard, moustache and shaving products. Products that smell delicious and leave their wearers feeling confident and smelling delicious. Products that render ladies(or dudes if you swing that way) moist and swooning with anticipation.
Products with hilarious flavour text and eco-friendly pretensions because earth is a cool place and I like it here.


My name is Ayman, A.K.A the Mad Arab.

I strive to be a good man I invite you to join me. Because Good Men make for a Great World.



Want more? – You know what to do.