Aftershave – The Admiral


Goodbye Shaving Rash – Sail for Smooth.

This authentic, traditional, 100% natural bay rum aftershave will sooth and nourish your  skin after you’ve finished running a blade or three over it.

Purpose built for healthy skin:
Witch hazela natural astringent to close your pores and helps deal with the little nicks you earn from shaving
Jojoba Oil For it’s superior moisturizing properties – you’ll feel super smooth
West Indies Bayan iconic plant used as a perfume since the 1500s
Blood Orange A delicious smell, natural disinfectant and used historically as an aphrodisiac – whatever helps right?
Spiced Rum
Kills any nasties that could get into your skin and cause infection plus it gives you that traditional post shave sting

Will leave you smelling delicious, feeling fresh with smooth, supple, happy skin.

5 in stock

  • Free shipping in NZ for orders above $100.
  • Hassle-free returns within 30 days.
  • Reliable quality with a two-year assurance.
  • Wax-sealed for freshness and style.
  • We’re here for your beard-related queries.

Explore the Essence

Goodbye Shaving Rash - Sail for Smooth.

What does wearing The Admiral feel like?

It’s 1627, Charles the first is running England and you’re on a frigate off the coast of Barbados.

The smell of sea spray and spent gun powder hang in the air.

You’re experiencing the sort of calm that only the adrenaline of battle can provide.

Quiet, still and deadly – like a brand new razor blade

You’ve weighed up your options, you take a deep breath.

Your crewman look at you and your first mate asks”What are your orders Admiral”

“Prepare to board… tonight the enemy will dine at the bottom of the sea.”

The Admiral feels like being the supreme commander of a naval fleet.

Power, Poise, Supremacy.


Cool story bro, but what does it feel like on my skin?

Glad you asked, this stuff feels bloody luxurious – it’s not some cheapo alcohol and water mix from the pharmacy that leaves your skin dry and miserable.
This stuff glides onto your skin and leaves it feeling soft, supple and refreshed.


Yeah ok, but what does it smell like?

It smells like being a Gentleman on a mission that may or may not involve the vanquishing of your enemies.

I do pick up a nose of gunpowder, black pepper, ginger , clove and west indies bay. Blood orange shows itself initially and fades to the periphery to leave a rich, complex fragrance of spices and west indies bay.


What does it do?

I’ve made my aftershaves with two things in mind: to minimize, sooth and prevent shaving rash and to smell delicious.

The base starts with Witch hazel – a powerful natural antiseptic and astringent – this ingredient has been used in traditional aftershaves since the the late 1800s. Featuring in almost every worthwhile aftershave during the golden age of shaving.

What is an Astringent you may ask? it’s a compound that tightens your skin – like alum, witch hazel and yarrow. Why would you want an astringent in your aftershave? when you wet shave, your pores open up – this is good, it gives you more hair to cut and helps you cleanse your skin. Unfortunately if you leave your pores open, you open the way for black heads, infections and razor burn.

Next up is Cold pressed Jojoba oil – a South American shrub that produces the best oil for skin.
Why is it the best oil for skin? Well it’s chemical composition is very similar to sebum (the natural oils that your skin produces) – this stops your skin from overproducing it’s own oils (especially if you use harsh shaving creams, sprays or lotions) it restores your skins natural oil balance and has been used by Native Americans to treat acne.

Dark Rum – you can’t have Bay Rum without RUM – this is a traditional ingredient and adds to my aftershave’s the antiseptic (bacteria killing) properties – which results in a lower likely hood of developing in grown hairs, acne and other infections (like the clap -you’re a 17th century sailor remember?).

West Indies Bay – The “Bay” in “Bay Rum” an iconic, traditional fragrance that has properties that may reduce skin redness and acne.

Black Pepper – gives it a faint gunpowder fragrance without artificial ingredients.

Blood Orange – Adds a fresh citrus hit with deeper tones.  and was historically used as an aphrodisiac – Increases your ‘get laid factor’


Who’s it for?

If you find that shaving gives your skin a hard time – this is a great place to start.

If you are an enlightened soul that understands your skin and hair absorb everything that you put on them and want to minimize your exposure to chemicals and solvents I guarantee that my Aftershave is made of cold pressed carrier oils and pure therapeutic grade essential oils to ensure the highest possible quality and best results for your skin, hair, body and soul.

If you value an all natural, New Zealand made product with no parabens, fragrance oils, preservatives, fillers or petrochemicals – then this is your new favourite aftershave.

Lastly, if you want to conquer the seas, sing sea shanties and  have heated battles with canons and cutlasses – then I suggest trying my Admiral Aftershave and perhaps Assassin’s Creed Black Flag.


What else do I need for the best shave I’ve ever had?

I’d start with a great shaving soap – my Bald and Brash Shaving Soap is made with the same meticulous attention to detail as my aftershave

– add to that a quality boar hair shaving brush (you can do badger hair but trust me, boar hair is better for shaving soaps)

Next you’ll need a good safety razor- I currently stock Muhle r89s a well balanced, time tested manufacturer of razors – their brushes- I’m not a huge fan of…

Oh! and you’ll need some quality blades –  I carry two brands: Feather (a Japanese surgical steel company – and makers of my favourite blades of all time) and Astra (an old hand in the game that’s been operating for decades)

You know what, maybe you just want me to throw together a wet shaving bundle for you?